Board of Trustees

SPTRFA is governed by a 10-member Board of Trustees that serves as a fiduciary to our members and beneficiaries. Nine of the ten board members are elected by the membership for staggered three-year terms.  One ex-officio board member is appointed by the St. Paul Public Schools School Board.

Three Trustees are elected each year at the Annual Meeting of the Members.

The members currently holding three-year seats for this year’s election on March 13, 2025, are Karen Martinsen, Michael McKay, Maggi Schiller.

Members interested in running for a position on the Board of Trustees must complete and file a nomination form with 10 SPTRFA member signatures, a 100-word candidate statement, and a picture.  Please review filing details below.

Notice to all members who wish to become a Trustee:

The SPTRFA Board of Trustees oversees the Association’s investments and operations, with the assistance of an Executive Director and staff.  They are an elected volunteer group of SPTRFA members. 

Candidates for the position of Trustee must be nominated by ten members of SPTRFA. 

  1. Request a nomination form:  call or email us at,
  2. Have ten SPTRFA Members sign your nomination form.  Signatures may be from both Active and Retired SPTRFA Members.  Handwritten ink signatures are required.  Electronic signatures will not be accepted.
  3. Return completed Nomination Form, Candidate Statement, and Picture before the Nomination Deadline via: email to, mail, or through the SPTRFA mail drop slot located outside the SPTRFA office.

Nomination Deadline: Close of business by 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 17, 2025. 

All nominations submitted by the deadline will be included in the proxy vote.

As SPPS school is cancelled Tuesday 01/21/2025 due to inclement weather, the SPTRFA Office is closed. Please email your requests to For insurance questions, please email SPPS Benefits office at