How do I take a Refund of Contributions?

As a Coordinated Plan Member, you can receive a refund of your contributions. Refunded contributions consist of those dollars that you as an individual made to SPTRFA, plus interest (where applicable).  The refund of contributions does not include any dollars that Saint Paul Public School made on your behalf.

Taking a refund of your employee contributions, means that you forfeit all rights to any future SPTRFA retirement benefits based on that service.

The process for obtaining a refund of contributions is as follows:

1. Resign from Saint Paul Public Schools
2. Complete the application for refund for “Direct Refund of Contributions or Trust to Trust Transfer form”
3. Have your signature notarized
4. Spouse must sign form (or if divorced, include a complete court signed copy of decree)

A waiting period of thirty days is required from your final payroll from SPPS.

Refunds are paid on the first business day of the month after all refund requirements are met.

Posted in: Contributions

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