February 3, 2014
by Staff
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Calendar Year 2013 Investment Review

St Paul Teachers’ Retirement Fund portfolio edged above $1 billion in assets by year’s end, marking a return to that level reached just ahead of the global financial crisis back in 2008-09. For the calendar year, the portfolio produced a 19.6% return, well ahead of its 8% target rate. The strong year placed the three and five year returns into a strong position as well, up 10.4% and 13.5% respectively. Assets were $1.010 billion as of 12/31. The portfolio’s 2013 growth easily outperformed its benchmark, which recorded a 17.1% return for the period.

The SPTRFA Board of Trustees has systematically been adjusting the asset alignment toward a more diversified and risk averse structure. This has resulted in a gradually lowering in overall volatility, measured by the portfolio’s standard deviation. However, it is still slightly above the desired benchmark level. Global equities have a target allocation of 55% with fixed income at 20%. Currently equities are still above target levels with bonds just below its allocation. One of the Board’s important steps was to timely remove its exposure to the passive fixed income indexed funds ahead of expected higher interest rates. Bonds overall acted very poorly in 2013, its first negative year in the 21st Century, but the shift into active management and a broadening of the manager mandates to more unconstrained and globally portfolios cushioned the negative returns from that sector.

Equities were the year’s standout, generating as a portfolio group 36% return for the twelve months. Value managers slightly edged growth strategies, while smaller cap managers outdistanced larger capitalization mandates. Wellington Management, a mid-cap manager which had struggled 24 months ago but to which the Board remained committed and actually increased its allocation when values were lower, rewarded the Fund with a nearly 50% return for 2013. Global market performances trailed the US centric holdings but still generated respectable 20+% returns.

Among the Alternative and Inflation Hedged asset classes, returns were relatively muted, due primarily to the continued low inflationary environment. Real estate holdings rose high single digits, while Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) lost ground. Two newly added portfolios during 2013, hi-yield bonds and an allocation to oil and gas Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) were solid performers for their partial year efforts. The Board was very active adding eight new manager mandates in 2013.
Looking ahead, a remaining asset area where the Board’s attention is focused would be a planned 5% commitment to hedge funds. The approach will be a customized blending of varying “hedged” strategies that will serve as a portfolio risk dampener without unduly sacrificing return. The Board’s decision on its hedge fund portfolio manager is expected possibly by its April Board meeting. At this point, investment staff and the Board’s hedge fund project consultant, Bogdahn Group, are narrowing a group of semi-finalists for interviews by the Board’ Investment Committee.

Several managers experienced organizational changes during 2013. Overlay manager, St. Paul based Clifton Group was bought by Washington based Panametric Partners. Portfolio manager changes were made at Kansas City based Waddell & Reed (hi-yield) and Advantus Capital Management, a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) portfolio manager located in St. Paul. No firms were eliminated from the portfolio during 2013, although mandate levels were reduced in some cases to fund the new strategies.

December 27, 2013
by Staff
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Tax exempt Application Notice from SPTRFA

December 27, 2013| To the Active Members of the St. Paul Teachers’ Retirement Fund Association

St. Paul Teachers’ Retirement Fund Association (SPTRFA) offers its members a tax qualified (i.e. qualified and tax exempt under 401(a) and 501(c)( 11) of the Internal Revenue Code) retirement plan. Your regular contributions and that of your employer school district are made pre-tax and earn tax exempt while part of the Fund. When you retire and begin receiving your retirement annuity, as with Social Security, your benefits are then subject to both Federal and state taxes.

Periodically, the SPTRFA Board of Trustees applies to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for re-determination that your retirement plan remains qualified under the Internal Revenue Code through a process of review by the IRS of applicable Minnesota law and our latest By-laws to make certain that no action has been taken that could adversely impact the plan’s tax qualified status.

This IRS review of plan documents process is formally referred to as seeking an IRS “Determination Letter”. Recently, the IRS adopted a rotating schedule for its Plan reviews. Public Defined Benefit Plans, such as SPTRFA, are placed within the “Group C” category. Using the classifications for various retirement plans, the IRS, on a rotating schedule (every 5 years), opens a one year review period. The period for review of Group C plans is currently open. It will remain so until the end of January. Pension plans are not required to seek IRS review each time the applicable window is open. However, the STPRFA Board of Trustees, which participated in the previous “Determination Letter” application process and received favorable IRS determination letters, opted to participate and apply for current determinations during this round.

The IRS requires that as part of the process of application for a “Determination Letter” that all Active Plan members be given a formal notice of this application to the IRS. That notice has been posted on the SPTRFA website. The posted notice alerts all active members of both the SPTRFA Basic Plan and SPTRFA Coordinated Plan that applications are being made for both plans. We will be filing our Determination Letter applications for those plans with accompanying updated materials on January 20. The “Notice” will remain on the SPTRFA website for 60 days following that filing.
If any active member has a question about this matter, you are requested to contact the SPTRFA office for further details.

Due to Inclement Weather, the SPTRFA Office will be closed on Tuesday February 18th as SPPS. Please email your questions and requests to info@sptrfa.org. SPTRFA cannot help with your insurance questions - please email SPPS at benefits@spps.org