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Leaves of Absence

If you are granted a leave of absence by SPPS or SPC, it is your responsibility to make sure that the leave is properly documented by your employer and that the leave is properly classified.

The following leave classifications enable you to receive retirement service credit for the period of your leave if the employee and employer contributions are made:

Any leave of absence not listed above is not eligible for retirement service credit.

The termination date of a leave is the date of the last normal teaching service duty day covered by the leave.  If you wish to terminate or retire immediately after a leave period, your payment must be received prior to your resignation date.  You may use previously tax-sheltered dollars [i.e., 403(b), 457 deferred compensation, 401(k)] to purchase service credit for authorized, properly documented leaves of absence.


While on sabbatical leave, the employer pays you at a half-time rate. Retirement contributions are taken out of your pay for that half-time rate, so you receive half of the usual retirement service credit without paying any additional contributions.

To receive full retirement service credit, you must make a payment based on the retirement service credit missed during the time of the sabbatical leave and on the full-time salary for the year prior to the beginning of the leave.

Once you have paid your portion of the required retirement contributions, your employer will be assessed for the employer contribution amount.

Your payment must be received by June 30 of the year following the fiscal year in which your sabbatical leave of absence terminates.


A military leave of absence interrupts regular teaching service.

To receive retirement service credit you must:

  • Be honorably discharged
  • Return to service with SPPS or SPC
  • Make the required employee contributions—based on the contract salary in effect through the military leave.

Once you have paid your portion of the required retirement contributions, the employer will be assessed their portion.

Contact the SPTRFA office for specific terms and conditions that apply.

For military service prior to employment with SPPS or SPC, see Prior Uncredited Military Service.


You may receive up to one year of retirement service credit. To receive credit, you must make both the employee and employer contributions and return to service.

Payment is based on your full-time salary rate on the date the leave ended. Your payment must be received no later than June 30 of the year following the fiscal year in which the leave terminates.


Mobility leaves of up to five years can be applied toward retirement service credit. To receive credit, you must make both employee and employer contributions by June 30 each year you are on leave, based on your salary for the year prior to the beginning of the leave. Failure to pay the contributions by June 30 of any year of your leave will forfeit all rights to make the payments for any of the following years.


Medical leaves can be applied toward retirement service credit. To receive credit, you must pay both the required employee and employer contributions for the period of the leave. Payment is based on your salary immediately preceding the leave, plus 8.5% interest compounded annually.

Payment must be made no later than June 30 of the fiscal year following the end of the medical leave.

Family Medical

You may receive up to 60 days of retirement service credit for a Family Medical leave. To receive credit, you must pay both the required employee and employer contributions for the period of the leave. Payment is based on your salary immediately preceding the leave, plus 8.5% interest compounded annually.

Payment must be made no later than June 30 of the fiscal year following the end of the family medical leave.

Prior Uncredited Military Service

Members with military service prior to employment with SPPS may purchase retirement service credit for that prior military duty at full actuarial value. Please call the SPTRFA office for details on the prior uncredited military service purchase provisions. This option is scheduled to sunset after May 16, 2007.

You may use previously tax-sheltered dollars [i.e., 403(b), 457 deferred compensation, 401(k)] to purchase prior uncredited military service.

Approved Part-Time Assignment Program

You can receive full-time retirement service credit with the SPTRFA through an employer-approved arrangement. It is your responsibility to apply for the part-time teaching program with your employer and to make any appropriate payments. Full retirement service credit is allowed if both the required employee and employer contributions are paid to the SPTRFA.

You may use previously tax-sheltered dollars [i.e., 403(b), 457 deferred compensation, 401(k)] to make this payment.

Repaying a Refund of Contributions

You may reinstate previous St. Paul retirement service credit by repaying the amount refunded plus 8.5% interest compounded annually from the date the refund was paid.

  1. You must be re-employed in SPPS, SPC or employed with another eligible Minnesota public pension fund.
  2. You must have accumulated at least two years of retirement service credit since the last refund was taken.
  3. You may make partial repayment [minimum of one-third of the total service credit you lost by taking the refund(s)].
  4. Retirement service credit, and costs, for any partial restoration will be distributed pro rata to all periods for which refunds were taken.
  5. You may use previously tax sheltered dollars to make this payment [ i.e., 403(b), 457 deferred compensation, 401(k) ].

SPTRFA cannot answer your insurance questions. For insurance questions, please email SPPS Benefits office at