Refund Information

If you leave teaching, you may opt for a refund of your employee contributions plus interest (when applicable). However, if you are vested (at least 3 years of retirement service credit or qualify under Combined Service Annuity Law), we encourage you to consider a deferred annuity instead of a refund because of the potential greater value of a lifetime annuity.

To receive a refund of your contributions you must first be resigned with St. Paul Public School’s.  The refund does not include any contributions that St. Paul Public School made to the Retirement Fund on your behalf.

Taking a refund of your employee contributions, means that you forfeit all rights to any future SPTRFA retirement benefits based on that service.

The process for obtaining a refund of contributions is as follows:

    1. Resign from Saint Paul Public Schools
    2. Complete the application for Refund of Contributions Form.
    3. Have your signature notarized
    4. Spouse must sign form (or if divorced, include a complete court signed copy of decree)

A waiting period of thirty days is required from your final payroll from SPPS.

Refunds are paid on the first business day of the month after all refund requirements are met.

Combined Service Annuity (CSA) law:  If you have service with another Minnesota public pension plan, you may be entitled to a lifetime benefit upon reaching retirement age.  Minnesota public pension plans work together so all of your service can be used for benefit eligibility.

To receive a combined service annuity payment, you must:

  • Have at least six months of service with each plan in which you were/are a member.
  • Meet each fund’s vesting requirement.
  • Terminate all public service.
  • Must submit a separate applications to each fund.


Due to Inclement Weather, the SPTRFA Office will be closed on Tuesday February 18th as SPPS. Please email your questions and requests to SPTRFA cannot help with your insurance questions - please email SPPS at